´64 Chevy Impala

1964 Chevrolet Impala SS

„The Desert Rose“

hoppin hydros wire wheels

When I think about Lowriders, the first car that comes to my mind is the 1964 Chevy Impala Super Sport. Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, MC Eight, all of the Gangsta Rappers I listened to in the early 90s cruised their hoods in one of those lowriding icons. So it´s a natural I had to have one in my showcase.

I built this model some years before Revell offered their Lowrider-tooled kit with hydraulics in the open trunk and all the other Lowrider equipment, so the source for my Desert Rose was this stock amt/ERTL kit:

amt 64 Chevy Impala box

To convert it into a concrete scraping cruiser I had to collect some aftermarket items and scratch built everything not available. Well, mission accomplished:

Impala Lowrider scale model impala lowrider rear

First thing to do, of course, was to lower the car. The simple chassis design with stick-in axles allowed me to simulate a working hydraulic suspension:

amt 64 Impala lowrider

The aftermarket wire wheels and whitewall tires came from Hoppin´Hydros.

amt 1964 Impala front amt 1964 Impala rear


scale model lowrider interior amt Impala backlite shelf

The license plate frames and the window plaque are photo etched items from ModelCarGarage. The speakers in the backlite shelf were borrowed from amt´s Dodge Ram D-50.  The chain-steering wheel was scratch built and the whole interior was covered in blue and silver velvet.

scale model lowrider 64 Chevy Impala Lowrider

Next thing I did was cutting out the deck lid and I scratch built a trunk with sheet-styrene.

scale model hydraulic pumps scale model lowrider trunk

In the trunk I installed two scratch built hydraulic pumps and four resin batteries from Scale Production. Of course the trunk was outfitted with velvet, too.

amt Lowrider amt 64 Impala engine

Under the hood is the box-stock engine plus a little wiring and plumbing and, of course, a lot of velvet.
64 Impala engine


amt Impala Hoppin Hydros homemade lowrider decals

The rose graphics were homemade with Photoshop, decal foil and my inkjet printer.

64 Lowrider model car


I confess that I messed up the paint job and that the velvet is a bit to rough-textured for this scale, but I think it is still a nice ride to cruise Crenshaw Blvd. on friday nights…



Ein Gedanke zu “´64 Chevy Impala

  1. Super Teil !!! So einen ähnlichen habe ich vor 30 (!) Jahren schon in Köln beim US-Car trefffen in Köln / NIehl gesehen . Aber diese ist absolut gelungen.

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